The Lower Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Study Analysis of An Education Hospital
Research Article
P: 53 - 58
June 2010

The Lower Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Study Analysis of An Education Hospital

Turk J Colorectal Dis 2010;20(2):53-58
1. Istanbul Education And Research Hospital, General Surgery, Istanbul
2. Istanbul Education And Research Hospital, Family Medicine,
3. Suluova Goverment Hospital General Surgery, Amasya
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Endoscopic analyses have huge potentials for early diagnosis of colorectal adenoma and its carcinomas, and with excision, they also have immense capabilities to lessen colorectal cancer incidence and mortality. So, colonoscopy is the golden standard method to determine colorectal pathologies. But, as it was cost-effective and appropriate procedure, preference is being given to flexiable sigmoidoscopy, especially to diagnose left colonic diseases when there is no need to preparation of intestines, where there is no high complication incidence risk. As a whole, this study focused upon the evaluation of the results obtained from patients through the instrumentality of colonoscopy and FS.


The retrospective analysis of patient files and pathological results acquired through the lower gastrointestinal system endoscopies from examined in-patients and out-patients were appraised in 2008.


2872 (72, 2%) colonoscopy, 1110 (27. 8%) FS examinations have been performed out of 3982 patients and 50, 2% of the patients were male, 49. 8% of the patients were female. Average age of patients who were examined with colonoscopy was 54,7 ±14,83 (16-93), and the average age of patients who were examined with FS was 42,3±13,43 (15-82). Normal symptoms were observed in 76.6% of the colonoscopy patients and in 85.5% of the FS patients. Completion rate to caecum was reached to 81% by colonoscopy. Benign endoscopic symptoms were detected 8.3% of the colonoscopies and 3.5% of the FS examinations. Polyps were ascertained in 330 (11.4%) patients who examined with colonoscopy and in 89 (7. 9%) patients who examined with FS. Colorectal cancer was beheld in 102 (3.5%) colonoscopy patients and in 34 (3. 06%) FS patients.


Colonoscopy has been performed more than sigmoidoscopy at the same period in our hospital. Normal lower gastrointestinal symptoms were existed endoscopically in the vast majority of both methods. If there is no necessity for colonoscopy clinically, by virtue of convenience and adaptedness, principally, sigmoidoscopy should be preferable to examination.

Colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, colorectal diseases