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December 2021


Turk J Colorectal Dis 2021;31(4):0-0
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Dear Colleagues,

My duty as editor-in-chief of TJCD, which I have been continuing for about six years, ends with this issue. The Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery Board of Directors, which will be newly elected in 2022, will naturally determine the new editorial board and will enable us to hand over this flag to the next team.

Since we took over the journal in 2015, you have witnessed that we have made many radical and even revolutionary changes in the journal. I have tried to share all the changes with you in this short editorial at the beginning of each issue.

When we took over the journal in 2015, unfortunately, the journal had difficulties in publishing, it was not preferred by the authors and I regret to state that the journal was not scanned by any index, including Turkish indexes. Naturally, there was a shortage of material to be published, which prevented the regular publication of the journal. The journal, which we took over as such, is now scanned by more than 15 national and international most prestigious indexes and accepts studies from many national and international institutes.

As you know, the journal is published quarterly. However, it is ready to be published bimonthly from 2022. We are in the peace of delivering a fully scientific international journal with its prestige, design and quality of the published articles. We are sure that the next editorial team will carry the flag higher.

On this occasion, I wish success to the new editorial board and I hope to meet you in new duties.

With endless respect…

Prof. Dr. Tahsin ÇOLAK

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