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December 2016


Turk J Colorectal Dis 2016;26(4):0-0
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No information available

Dear colleagues,

Our journal is improving both qualitatively and quantitatively with your support and valuable contributions.

As we promised, the evaluation of manuscripts from those respected colleagues who choose to share their valuable research through our journal is approximately one month, and except in special circumstances, they are published in the following issue.

This speed is only possible in the “Open Access” journal system. As you are well aware, there is a service fee for using this system. However, thanks to the valuable contributions of the Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery, the Turkish Journal of Colorectal Disease is able to provide this service free of charge.

Furthermore, I am also proud to announce that articles and case reports submitted in Turkish are now being translated into English for free.

Thanks to your support and steady stream of publications, the recognition and readership of our journal are growing. Earlier I reported that we applied to be included in several reputable indexes, and we are now nearing the conclusion of the evaluation process. I hope to bring good news regarding this subject in the very near future.

For the last month of 2016, we have endeavored to prepare an issue you will read with pleasure. We selected the articles for this issue from among the many valuable studies you submitted to us.

I believe you will enjoy reading about the laparoscopic colorectal surgery experiences of Yılmaz et al. from Adnan Menderes University.

In their experimental study of colon anastomosis, Kopal et al. suggest a novel solution to the problem of anastomosis leakage.

Akgül and Gündeş have shared a noteworthy study in which they evaluate the importance of the neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis.

The clinical study conducted by Attaallah and Aktan regarding ileostomy closure techniques will surely be a significant contribution to the literature.

In this issue, we have also included four case reports which our Turkish colleagues enjoyed writing and we believe you will enjoy reading. We hope these cases and the excellent images they include will be of interest to you.

As you all know, the Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery Congress will be held in May 2017.

We kindly invite you to show your support and especially to present your valuable work in this scientific setting.

We hope you will join us in the next issue for more excellent research...

Tahsin Çolak, MD
